Entrepreneurial Leadership
The world needs entrepreneurial leaders to solve complex challenges that have persisted for decades or longer, as well as future ones we can’t even envision yet. Entrepreneurial leadership is both a skill set and a mindset, and entrepreneurial leaders impact businesses, organizations, and society because they put people first and manage in a relational way. Here, we illustrate the impact of entrepreneurial leadership through inspiring and uplifting stories from the Babson community and beyond.

Babson Collaborative Students Provide New Life for Afghan Refugee
Afghan refugee Fatema Jalaly escaped Taliban rule thanks to a network of student peers connected through the Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education. Members of the Babson Collaborative Student Network successfully coordinated Jalaly’s 10,000-mile relocation to Chile.
Posted in Community, Entrepreneurial Leadership

Rocket Pitch Return: MBA Student Is Back with Sustainability Solution
The annual Rocket Pitch gives Babson community members the opportunity to showcase their entrepreneurial endeavors. Arushi Jain MBA’22 talks about her prior Rocket Pitch experience as she returns to the signature event with a solution to eliminate traffic congestion.
Posted in Community, Entrepreneurial Leadership

Fueled by Love of Art, Babson Student Finds Novel Application for NFTs
Magnus Aske ’23 came up with a project involving fundraising and the antiquities collection of a foreign country. When the deal goes through, “It will be one of the biggest early landmark sales in NFTs so far,” he says.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership

How ‘Expeditionary Entrepreneurship’ Can Aid Disaster Response
Babson alumnus Jesse Levin uses a concept he calls “expeditionary entrepreneurship” to aid in crisis operations through volunteer humanitarian assistance, disaster response, and emergency economic stability work.
Posted in Community, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Insights

Babson Alumnus Brings Entrepreneurial Spirit to Nation’s First Major Offshore Wind Farm
Álvaro Ortega Sebastián MBA’15 is the chief operating officer of Vineyard Wind, the nation’s first large-scale wind farm. The wind farm, located on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, was greenlighted by the Federal government last May and could be an important bellwether for clean energy providers in the United States.
Posted in Community, Entrepreneurial Leadership