How to Practice Leadership at Babson

Image of Babson student leader flagging down families at orientation

Practicing leadership is an art form. And, sometimes, it’s hidden in plain sight.

Babson is known for entrepreneurial leadership, and the traits of an entrepreneurial leader can be learned and applied to any business, any size, anywhere.

How to practice leadership can be difficult to pinpoint and carry out in certain environments. Yet, at Babson, it’s hard to miss.

Leadership: Peer-to-Peer Style

With 100+ clubs and organizations on campus—many geared toward how to practice leadership—and a variety of leadership roles and opportunities available, students can gain valuable hands-on leadership experience while at Babson.

Catherine Ferri ‘21 demonstrates how to practice leadership skills through her involvement with Peers On Wellness (POW)—a student leadership program devoted to promoting health and educating students. These POWs share their experiences with a wide range of peers, and connect students to services when and if needed—and sometimes simply listening can be an effective way to lead.

“It’s about being someone your fellow students feel comfortable going to,” said Ferri.

Discover how to practice leadership every day—learn more about leadership positions at Babson.

Babson’s Wellness and Prevention staff advise POWs each year and continuously show them how to show leadership in school, while the POWs promote health, balance, and well-being through programming, education, and leadership. “Not every student comes to Babson knowing that if they have an issue or concern, we have a lot of resources available on campus,” said Ferri.

Leading by example is just one way to practice leadership.

Peer accountability is another avenue where Babson students can learn how to practice leadership.

Members of Babson’s Hearing Board are selected each year. Members enhance their critical thinking, effective listening, and communication skills while serving as an objective hearing body for both academic and nonacademic cases.

Understanding that integrity in leadership is a critical component to learning how to practice leadership skills, students on the Hearing Board teach each other to lead with integrity and empathy.

“Being on the Hearing Board and keeping my peers accountable means … being in the same shoes as them, well equipped to help keep them accountable to the commitments they make as I keep those same commitments myself,” said Curtis Johnson ’23, student leader and Hearing Board member.

Student Athletes: Leading On and Off the Field

Playing varsity or club sports at Babson can be fun, challenging, and rewarding. And, Babson athletics is a living laboratory for how to practice leadership skills.

Last year, Babson celebrated athletic leadership and success during Division III Week, an initiative that aims to recognize academic achievements, athletic experiences, and community leadership.

“Division III Week is a great opportunity for Babson to put its best foot forward,” said Pamela P. and Brian M. Barefoot Director of Athletics and Athletics Advancement Mike Lynch. “Highlighting athletics accomplishments, academic achievement, community service, and leadership are areas in which our department strives to excel at on a daily basis.”

Last year, the men’s hockey team earned an NCAA Tournament bid and finished 18-6-2 on the season. The men’s basketball team appeared in its fifth NCAA Tournament since 2014. And, the men’s and women’s alpine skiing teams competed in the USCSA Eastern Regional Championships and National Championships.

Despite the successes—and there are many—the student-athletes who play these sports must juggle practice and games, studies and social lives, service and extracurriculars. These students know how to practice leadership, and by doing so they inspire others, as shining examples to the Babson community

RAs and Tour Guides: Leading by Experience

For Alicia Gaudet ‘22, how to show leadership in school is more of a lifestyle than an affiliation. Gaudet plays on the Women’s Rugby team, she serves as an undergraduate Admissions Ambassador, and is a Resident Assistant (RA).

“… being an RA and part of the Admissions office has given me an opportunity to tell my story about why I love Babson, as well as enhancing my personal leadership and communication skills.”
RA, Admissions Ambassador, Women’s Rugby player Alicia Gaudet ’22

“I have met such a diverse, inspiring, and supportive group of women who I now call my best friends,” Gaudet said. “Additionally, being an RA and part of the Admissions office has given me an opportunity to tell my story about why I love Babson, as well as enhancing my personal leadership and communication skills,” she said.

And for Sophomore Nicole Johns ‘23, diving into the Undergraduate Ambassador Program as a tour guide who leads tours to campus visitors gave her ample experience in learning how to practice leadership skills.

“Being a tour guide helped me be more confident, because not only do you learn the information, but you actually have to talk about it and really relay it to other people. So, my public speaking skills definitely improved, and it helped me in being able to answer questions on the spot,” said Johns.

At Babson, there are endless ways to get involved, make new friends, step outside of your comfort zone, offer expertise, and practice much-needed leadership skills that will go with you through life on your path to success.

There are many ways to connect with peers, get involved, and learn how to practice leadership skills—discover more about Student Life at Babson!

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