Babson Athletics Teams Celebrated in Division III Week

Babson Athletics

In troubling times, sports can serve as a distraction. They briefly allow us to take our mind off current concerns, and provide a community with something to celebrate.

This week, however, it was all about celebrating the athletes themselves as part of Division III Week, an initiative that aims to recognize academic achievements, athletic experiences, and community leadership.

Over the last several days, Babson Athletics has celebrated its national championships, student-athlete academic accomplishments, service partnerships, and recent success.

“Division III Week is a great opportunity for Babson to put its best foot forward,” said Pamela P. and Brian M. Barefoot Director of Athletics and Athletics Advancement Mike Lynch. “Highlighting athletics accomplishments, academic achievement, community service, and leadership are areas in which our department strives to excel at on a daily basis.”

Join us May 13 and 14 for our Barefoot Athletics Challenge in support of student-athletes.

Seasons Filled with Success

A number of Babson winter sports teams have plenty to be proud of for their accomplishments this season, beginning with the men’s ice hockey team, which earned an NCAA Tournament bid for the first time since 2014 and 17th time overall after finishing 18-6-2 on the season.

“To see our team rewarded with an NCAA bid as a testament to their outstanding season is even more gratifying,” Lynch said. “With only 12 bids awarded in hockey, it’s something we don’t take for granted.”

The men’s basketball team finished with its best record in three seasons, leading to its fifth NCAA Tournament appearance since 2014. And, the men’s and women’s alpine skiing teams earned the right to compete in the USCSA Eastern Regional Championships and National Championships.

Combined, the alpine skiing teams have made more than 20 appearances at the national championships, this season being their 13th and fifth-straight bids.

“Both the men’s and women’s alpine skiing teams are among the best in their division, are competing for regional championships, and are now consistent players on the national stage,” Lynch said.

About Division III Week

Through local and national promotion, the goal of Division III Week is to boost awareness and understanding for Division III athletics. The idea is part of the Division III’s Identity Initiative, which was established in 2010.

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