One Student’s World of Opportunity

Dario Guerrero

Dario Guerrero ’21 grew up in working-class Lawrence, Massachusetts, with parents who stressed the value of college. He admits, “I wasn’t the top student in my class.” However, as president of his high school’s National Honor Society, math tutor, and volunteer at a local soup kitchen, Guerrero was a well-rounded student.

Since receiving the 2017 Diversity Leadership Award, Guerrero has taken advantage of every opportunity given to him. He has worked in the Glavin Office of Multicultural & International education, the Office of the President, and the admissions office. In addition, he has been an active member of the Black Student Union and the Latin American Student Organization for the last two years.

He also has been a part of O.N.E—an organization run by students dedicated to spreading cultural education, awareness, and tolerance within the Babson community—since the very beginning of his time at Babson. “That has been my second family away from home,” he says. “It made my transition to Babson so much easier, and is an organization full of people that hold a small piece of my heart.”

This past summer, while visiting his hometown of Lawrence, Guerrero reconnected with his former high school baseball coach. They worked together with the Office of Undergraduate Admission and brought the Senior and Junior Legion team to Babson for a campus tour, and even made it onto Lawrence’s local news. “I don’t want to be one of the few to be able to attend such a prestigious school when coming from a low-income background,” says Guerrero. “Education should be something that everyone is entitled to at any level. To have every kid that was in my shoes at one point have the opportunity to attend Babson, or any school like it, is something I want to see for years to come.”

We spoke with Guerrero about his journey to Babson, his recent global experience while studying abroad in Berlin, and his professional goals.

Why did you choose Babson?

My path to Babson was quite funny. I actually applied to be an engineering major everywhere else and last minute decided to apply to Babson. What made me choose Babson in the end was ultimately because Babson chose me and made it evident that they wanted me there as much as I wanted to be there.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned at Babson so far?

I’ve learned so much in my time at Babson in and out of the classroom. But, if I had to pick the most important thing I’ve learned so far, it would be the idea that failure is OK. The idea of failing was something so uncommon for me in high school. After being at Babson and being challenged, I’ve learned one of the most important life lessons: acknowledging that failure makes you normal and an even stronger person.

Describe your global experiences while at Babson. How did these experiences impact you and your perspective on the world?

I am currently studying abroad in Berlin, Germany. My insights and view on the world have grown significantly. Not being able to travel growing up, I never knew what the world had to offer or even what it looked like. Now I have traveled to Dresden, Budapest, and Prague, with more to come. I see why traveling is not a “want” and is a “need.” Being in new environments and learning about new cultures and people really changes both your perspective and you as a person.

How do your activities outside of the classroom influence your academic pursuits and career plans?

Being around a lot of diverse people on a day-to-day basis and working in some of the environments I’ve worked in at Babson made me truly become a student of the world. Inspired by my studies abroad, I’ve looked into concentrating in global business management. I hope with whatever I end up doing, I can change the world in some way. And, in order to change the world, you need to see it.

What’s next?

I ultimately know that in some way, shape, or form, I want to be able to work with people on a day-to-day basis. I want to ensure that with the assistance I provide, I am helping change lives the way my life was changed two years ago.

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