Your Living On Campus Questions, Answered

As we inch closer to bringing students back to campus this fall, we’re continuing to answer your most pressing questions via the Babson College Instagram.
The latest installment of our Babson Together Q&A series was hosted by the Housing Operations and Residence Education teams, and focused on questions about living on campus this fall.
Here’s what we learned.
Move In
When can we move in?
In mid-July, you’ll receive an email with your assigned move-in date and time.
Can more than one person help me move in?
Students are permitted one guest to help them move into their residence hall during their assigned move-in day and time frame.
All guests on move-in day must comply with Babson health and safety guidelines and register as a campus visitor prior to arriving on campus.
Will we be allowed to bring furniture not provided by the College into residence halls?
Residents are strongly encouraged to bring only items to their rooms that are necessary, including furniture.
Bringing fewer personal items will be beneficial in the event the College must close mid-semester in a short time frame. Help on move-in day also will be limited, and having fewer items means the opportunity to maximize physical distance in living spaces.
Students may not remove College furniture or equipment from its assigned room, suite, lounge, or other areas within a residence hall, and personal furniture cannot be brought in to replace these items.
Will residence halls be open early to accommodate self-quarantine?
At the present time, any student arriving to Babson from outside of New England, New York, or New Jersey should be prepared to self-quarantine for 14 days when they arrive.
Please review the following guides and resources from the state of Massachusetts:
More specific details about the “arrival quarantine” on campus will be released by the College later in July and will be guided by Massachusetts government and public health advisories and mandates.
Residence Life and Education
Will I be able to visit friends in other rooms and residence halls?
Health and safety within our living spaces is a key priority for a successful return to campus.
Limiting visitors is one mitigation strategy to keeping us together on campus. While residential students cannot host any visitors in their assigned room, they can host other Babson community members in designated lounges and study spaces located on main floors of some residence halls. Sign into the hub to learn more.
How many students will be in one “household”?
Households are designed to maximize health and safety and also create smaller groups to enable community building. There will be a maximum of nine students in a household.
Will the community kitchens in the halls be available to students?
Yes, community kitchens will remain open and set up to enable physical distancing.
Residents are expected to follow any posted guidelines. Facilities will clean them regularly and residents are expected to clean surfaces, appliances, and dishes after using them.
Personal items are not permitted to be left in any common spaces, including kitchens.
What is the cleaning schedule for residence hall bathrooms?
Restrooms will be cleaned on a daily basis. Cleaning schedules will vary depending on location but all public restrooms will be cleaned during the day in residence halls, and public restrooms in the academic buildings will be cleaned at night and policed through the day with a focus on high-touch surfaces. More information can be found in the Return to Campus plan.
Swipe up for other health guidelines and cleaning enhancements from our Return to Campus plan.
Housing Assignments
If I’m not able to come for the fall semester, will I be able to live on campus in the spring?
Students who do not live on campus for the Fall 2020 semester are eligible to apply for Spring 2021 housing in September.
While we do not guarantee housing to all who apply for Spring 2021 housing, we will do all that we can to accommodate as many students as possible.
Will housing be offered to graduate students this fall?
Due to health requirements related to COVID-19, the College has made the difficult decision to reduce the availability of student housing. As a result, the limited number of residential rooms available for incoming graduate students have been taken offline to accommodate pandemic contingency plans for the upcoming academic year.
Regrettably, the College will not be able to provide Graduate Housing placements for the next academic year. Babson will continue to seek opportunities to increase campus housing capacity while maintaining the health and safety of the community. Accordingly, those incoming students interested in on-campus housing should submit the appropriate housing application in the event the College determines over the summer that housing capacity allows for accommodating graduate students on campus.
If I arrive late to Babson, will I still be able to live with my roommate?
In general, students with a confirmed housing assignment who will be arriving after August 22 should contact Housing to confirm their expected date of arrival so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
Posted in Community