Jerry Epps Earns CWE Advocate of the Year Award
Jerry Epps continues to rack up accolades for his work as Babson College’s first director of vendor diversity.

Epps recently received the CWE Advocate of the Year Award from the Center for Women & Enterprise. The award, which is given to a professional or community leader whose efforts support women’s economic empowerment, was presented at the CWE Supplier Diversity Match Making Awards Breakfast on December 6 in Springfield, Massachusetts.
“I am honored to accept this award for One Babson,” Epps said. “The recognition gives our College regional and national exposure and shows our support to women entrepreneurs across our country. This also shows our commitment to sustaining our DEI initiatives to a competitive advantage.”
Earlier this year, Epps was named a 2023 Shining Star Award Recipient by the Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council and was named to DiversityPlus Magazine’s 2023 Top 25 Diversity Change Leaders.
Epps joined Babson in August 2021 and has created and developed the College’s Office of Vendor Diversity and its supplier diversity program.
Posted in Babson Briefs