Community Forums Preview Return to Babson College Campus

Park Manor Quad

At a virtual community forum for undergraduate students and families, Babson College leadership previewed plans for the community’s return to campus this fall.

“Preparing for our return to campus is a considerable process with complex decision factors. Those decisions are guided by two principles: the health and well-being of our community, and academic continuity for our students,” said President Stephen Spinelli Jr. MBA’92, PhD. “I am proud that we have largely achieved those goals, and they continue to inform our planning. Things will look different this fall, but no matter what, all learning will continue.”

One of a series planned forums over the coming weeks, the gathering was a chance for returning undergraduate students and their families to learn of key decisions, gain insight into the return process and timeline, and hear answers to frequently asked questions.

President Spinelli was joined by: Lawrence Ward, vice president of student affairs and dean of students; Caitlin Capozzi, associate dean for student life; Tracey Reza, assistant dean of the undergraduate school; and Lorien Romito, senior director, international education. The group shared information about evolving plans for campus life, the academic experience, and the steps being taken to ensure the Babson community remains as safe and healthy as possible.

“You (students) are our most important asset,” said Ward. “It is my greatest joy to be involved in the field of education, and I very much look forward to welcoming students back to campus. Please continue to stay safe, please continue to reach out to us with questions, and please continue to believe in one Babson. Because we certainly do.”

A full recording of the forum is available to watch online.

Additional virtual forums will take place over the coming weeks—for faculty and staff on June 17, for incoming undergraduate students and families on June 18, and for returning graduate students in July. A forum for incoming graduate students was held on June 1.

A comprehensive plan for the return to campus will be shared by July 1. The plan is expected to evolve over the summer, taking into consideration progress made on the Reopening Massachusetts plan and the continued guidance and recommendations from the CDC and other public health authorities.

“I am energized both by our developing plan and by the prospect of being together again as a community. We have many details to plan and prepare, and our teams are working to ensure progress continues as information evolves over the weeks and months ahead,” said Spinelli.

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