Entrepreneurial Leadership
The world needs entrepreneurial leaders to solve complex challenges that have persisted for decades or longer, as well as future ones we can’t even envision yet. Entrepreneurial leadership is both a skill set and a mindset, and entrepreneurial leaders impact businesses, organizations, and society because they put people first and manage in a relational way. Here, we illustrate the impact of entrepreneurial leadership through inspiring and uplifting stories from the Babson community and beyond.

From Commander to Student to Fellow to CEO
As graduation approached for Prakash Veenam MBA '18, he took advantage of a summer fellowship offered through the Leonard A. Schlesinger Fund for Global Healthcare Entrepreneurship. That fellowship paved the way for Veenam to become CEO just three months later.
Posted in Community, Entrepreneurial Leadership

Chair of the Board of Trustees, Marla Capozzi, Urges Students to Never Stop Learning
Fundamentally, academia and business are two very different industries. Babson student Jess Chartier ’20 sat down with Babson Board of Trustees Chair Marla Capozzi MBA’96 to discuss the differences and similarities of leading a college and a management consulting firm at the same time.
Posted in Community, Entrepreneurial Leadership