Tag: Startups
Crowdfunding Social Entrepreneurs, Part II
Social investment platforms are as diverse as the challenges they seek to address. They share a common goal of having a positive effect and supporting social causes, but approach community engagement and fundraising differently.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership
The Sharing Economy
“The best ideas are the ones that have been around for a long time," is a starting point for the growing entrepreneurial movement to exploit the notion of collective consumption putting a technology-powered new spin on sharing, renting, or bartering goods and services.
Posted in Insights
Got a Great Idea? Prove It
Entrepreneurs by temperament are gushing wells of inspiration—new businesses, new solutions to old problems, and new approaches. In those first bursts of imagination, an opportunity appears suddenly obvious, even if the path to success will be long and full of false starts. And, then, another idea might manifest, seeming as brilliant as the first.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership