Unscripted Moment: Presidential Welcome

Students and President Spinelli hold up 2028 sign at the front gate

The Babson College campus is packed with memorable and unexpected moments, which we love to capture and share. In this new, ongoing series, Unscripted Moment, our staff photographer Nic Czarnecki and others share the story behind a recent favorite photo.

Move-in day always is a special event to photograph, because everyone is filled with excitement and optimism, especially the first-year students and their families as they begin their Babson journeys. This move-in day, I discovered this fun moment right at the beginning of the day when I was photographing the student welcome crew at the front gate. President Stephen Spinelli Jr. MBA’92, PhD drove by when he arrived for the day, and he saw the crowd. He stopped and without hesitation joined them in greeting the new students to campus. He spent awhile cheering on everyone who arrived on campus. The excitement of the moment and the day in general was so visible and fun to capture. The energy continued throughout the day and the orientation at the Len Green Recreation and Athletics Complex.

MORE: Check out the #BabsonUnscripted video series on YouTube.

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