Awards, Books, and Publications for Babson Faculty

Two professors review a document in a classroom

Babson College faculty have been busy this spring and summer, publishing new books and a host of articles in top-tier journals, and receiving an array of awards for their scholarship and other achievements.

Award Winners

  • Candida Brush P’14, the Franklin W. Olin Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship, and Amanda Elam, research fellow at the Diana International Research Institute, were part of a team of scholars that won the Best Conceptual/Qualitative Paper Award at the 2022 Diana International Research Conference in June at Dublin City University in Ireland. Their paper, titled “Informing Inclusive Entrepreneurship Education and Training: Criteria and Challenges,” was selected from about 100 submitted abstracts and 70 accepted papers/posters with participants from 32 countries.
  • Lauren Beitelspacher, the Ken and Nancy Major Romanzi Term Chair in Marketing, earned the Davidson Award for best paper published by the Journal of Retailing in 2021. Beitelspacher, along with seven co-authors, were named the winner for their paper “Sustainable Retailing.” Two other Babson marketing professors also were recognized in the competition. Dhruv Grewal, the Toyota Chair in Commerce and Electronic Business, and Anne L. Roggeveen, the Charles Clarke Reynolds Professor of Retailing & Marketing, were named first runner-up (with two co-authors) for “Strategizing Retailing in the New Technology Era.” And, Grewal, along with eight co-authors, was named second runner-up for “How artificial intelligence will affect the future of retailing.”
  • William Gartner, the Bertarelli Foundation Distinguished Professor of Family Entrepreneurship at Babson, won the JSBM Best Paper award at the 2022 International Council For Small Business (ICSB) World Congress. Co-authored by Martine Hlady-Rispal and Alain Fayolle, the paper—titled “In search of creative qualitative methods to capture current entrepreneurship research challenges”—appeared in the Journal of Small Business Management.
  • Julia Kokina, associate professor of accounting, earned the 2022 EY Academic Resource Center (EYARC) Curriculum Innovation Award for demonstrating how she used EY cases in class and helped pursue innovation.

Book Contributions

  • Virginia (Jenny) Rademacher, professor of Hispanic literature and culture, has written a new book, Derivative Lives: Biofiction, Uncertainty, and Speculative Risk in Contemporary Spanish Narrative, which is due out August 11. The description of the book, published by Bloomsbury Academic, states: “Drawing on theories of risk and uncertainty, Derivative Lives considers the surge in biofiction in Spain and globally, relating literary expression to concepts such as circumstantiality, derivatives, speculation, and game studies.”
  • Sandra Graham, professor of Arts & Humanities and an ethnomusicologist, wrote the introduction and contributed a chapter for Music in Black American Life, 1600–1945: A University of Illinois Press Anthology, which was compiled by Laurie Matheson and is due out August 23. Graham also was an advisor to a National History Day project on the Fisk Jubilee Singers created by Hazel Wheeler and Eden Jones, students at Lakeridge Junior High School in Utah. Their project won regional and state competitions to qualify for nationals, and their documentary was among the top 10 finalists for their category and won a special award.

Find more faculty books on our Digital Bookshelf.

More Publishing Highlights

  • Joanna Carey, associate professor in the Math and Science Division, was among a group of researchers who had a paper published as part of a special research topic for the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland. The paper, titled “We Must Stop Fossil Fuel Emissions to Protect Permafrost Ecosystems,” appears in the journal Frontiers in Environmental Science.
  • Tom Davenport, the President’s Distinguished Professor of Information Technology and Management at Babson, recently published a pair of articles. With DJ Patil, he wrote “Is Data Scientist Still the Sexiest Job of the 21st Century,” which appeared in the Harvard Business Review. And, with Randy Bean, he wrote “Becoming an ‘AI Powerhouse’ Means Going All In,” which appeared in MIT Sloan Management Review.
  • Associate Dean of Faculty Danna Greenberg—the Management Division Chair and the Walter H. Carpenter Professor of Organizational Behavior—published an article in the Academy of Management Journal. Her article, co-authored with Paul Hibbert, was titled “Beyond Legitimacy: A Bold Agenda for MLE Scholarship.”
  • Sinan Erzurumlu, professor of innovation and operations management, and a pair of colleagues have developed an advanced machine learning technique to assess the innovation performance of complex systems with high-dimensional, feature-rich, highly multi-collinear and limited data. They applied the technique to National Innovation Systems and studied national innovation capability. Erzurumlu, along with Yaman O. Erzurumlu and YongKi Yoon, wrote an article—“National innovation systems and dynamic impact of institutional structures on national innovation capability: A configurational approach with the OKID method”—that was published recently in the journal.
  • Michael Goldstein, the Donald P. Babson Professor of Applied Investments and faculty director of the Master of Science in Finance Program at Babson, recently had a correspondence published in the journal Nature. Written with Amanda H. Lynch and Charles H. Norchi, the article was titled “Conflict’s impact raises costs for Arctic shipping and the climate.” Goldstein also delivered the keynote speech, “Finance, Sustainability, and Climate: Past, Present, and Future,” in front of 120-plus people at the Conference on International Finance; Sustainable and Climate Finance and Growth (CINSC) in Naples, Italy.

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