Babson Community Coronavirus Update

“I believe in you and I am here for you. We absolutely will get through these difficult times. Together, we will be a stronger and more connected community as a result.”
Lawrence Ward, Dean of Students, in an email to the class of 2020
By the Numbers
- 40: employer representatives met virtually with graduate students at a virtual career fair
- 42: undergraduate students inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, the international business honor society
- 17+: Student- and alumni-led businesses pivoting to produce much-needed equipment and supplies, or to give back, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Know another to add to our growing Twitter list? Let us know.
Community Updates
Positive Case. In an email to the Babson community, President Stephen Spinelli Jr. MBA’92, PhD shared that a Babson employee has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee, a staff member working on campus, was last there on Friday, March 27. This employee is being carefully monitored under medical attention. “Please join me in sending the best wishes of the entire Babson community to our staff member,” said Spinelli.
Graduate Summer Courses. Given the uncertainty of pandemic progression and the future status of travel and meeting restrictions, all graduate Summer 1 Courses (May 18–July 2) have shifted to be to 100% online. Keith Rollag, dean of the Graduate School, shared the update in an email to the graduate community. At this time, the intent is to keep Summer 2 courses (July 7–August 20) in their original format (e.g. evening, blended, intensive, fully online, etc.). The College will continue to monitor the evolving pandemic and if necessary will shift these courses to 100% online if conditions do not improve sufficiently.
Undergraduate Admission Update. Standardized tests are now optional for all new undergraduate applicants who apply during the 2020–2021 academic year. Babson’s optional test policy applies to high school students, applying to the undergraduate school, for the 2021–2022 academic year. “We believe that this new policy will offer students and their families the maximum amount of flexibility to submit an application to Babson with barriers to access brought on by this unprecedented time,” said Courtney Minden, vice president for enrollment management. This test-optional policy will be reviewed next spring.
Resources and Support
What to do if You’re Sick. With the expected surge of cases in many locations around the world, Babson has created a resource for those who may find themselves or a family member dealing with COVID-19. “We hope this helps answer some of the questions related to personal impact, and we expect it will be updated as we learn of new cases connected to the Babson community,” said Spinelli.
Student Support. On campus and online, Babson’s student life team is available to help students as they adjust to this new reality.
For students on campus, Health Services remains open and operational with two nurse practitioners and a triage nurse on site five days a week. Dining, housing, and residence life teams are available to support students who remain in campus housing.
For students at home, a number of online services have been established, including health, wellness, and religious support. The student engagement team has organized virtual activities and competitions to keep students connected.
Posted in Community