Whether it happens in the classroom, while consulting with our partner companies, or at one of our global hubs, we bring you compelling stories about what’s happening throughout the Babson College community.

With $2 Million Gift, Babson Establishes Pamela P. and Brian M. Barefoot Athletics Director Position
Babson President Emeritus Brian M. Barefoot ’66, H ’09, MP ’01 and his wife, Pamela P. Barefoot MP’01, have made a $2 million gift to establish the Pamela P. and Brian M. Barefoot Athletics Director position.
Posted in Community

To Be or Not to Be—Now in Virtual Reality
For all the many, many adaptations done of Shakespeare plays, Steven Maler can lay claim to trying something that is undeniably unique: Adapting and directing the Bard’s greatest play, Hamlet, in the emerging technology of virtual reality (VR).
Posted in Community

To Expand Entrepreneurship, an Educate-the-Educators Approach
Bright and early on a Monday morning, Professor Heidi Neck asks a room full of educators if they are ready to engage. Engagement will mean many things throughout the week, but at this very moment, it starts with paper boats.
Posted in Community