Babson No. 1 in Producing Highest Proportion of Business Leaders


Babson College produces the highest proportion of business leaders, earning the No. 1 ranking among U.S. colleges in a new analysis by

According to the analysis of colleges’ LinkedIn pages and alumni profiles with CEO or similar job titles, Babson produces 160.5 business leaders per 1,000 graduates.

As the No. 1 school, Babson leads a top 10 list that includes four military academies—Naval Postgraduate School, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, U.S. Naval Academy, and U.S. Air Force Academy—as well as schools such as Stanford, MIT, and Princeton.

According to its site, “compiled lists of universities in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada and recorded the number of graduates listed on the pages of universities on LinkedIn. Then we searched for alums of each university with CEO or similar in their job titles and checked the number of alums for each category. Finally, we ranked universities by the number of business leaders per 1,000 alums. Only universities with more than 25k alums on LinkedIn were considered.”

Graphic list of the top 10 schools

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