Belfast Ambassador Medal Awarded to Babson’s Kevin Sullivan


Kevin Sullivan, vice president of strategic corporate relations and engagement at Babson College, was recently awarded the Belfast (Ireland) Ambassador Medal.

Kevin Sullivan receives the Belfast Ambassador medal
Kevin Sullivan (far right), Babson College’s vice president of strategic corporate relations and engagement, recently received the Belfast Ambassador Medal.

The Belfast Ambassador Medal is presented to individuals from the global Irish family who are outstanding friends of Belfast. Sullivan was noted for helping to reignite links between Babson and universities and businesses across Ireland.

Sullivan expressed his gratitude and said Babson College President Stephen Spinelli Jr. MBA’92, PhD also deserves accolades.

“As honored as I am to receive this award, President Spinelli is the true ambassador through his many years of academic partnerships with Ulster University,” Sullivan said.

In his role as the former mayor of Lawrence, Massachusetts, and as a member of successive gubernatorial administrations in Massachusetts, Sullivan was a staunch ally of the fledgling Irish peace process. He welcomed business delegations from Belfast to Lawrence and nurtured bridges of commerce, community, and culture between the two cities. Sullivan continues to nurture those connections in his role as Babson’s strategic corporate relations and engagement vice president.

Posted in Babson Briefs

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