5 Things to Expect From an Online MBA

Going back to school for an MBA can be a big decision, and students have a lot to consider along the way. Some questions are personal (Why do I want to get an MBA?), and some are practical (How will I afford an MBA?), and still others have to do with the program itself.
All Babson MBAs are grounded in business fundamentals and an entrepreneurial mindset, no matter whether they choose two-year, one-year, evening, or blended learning formats. But, perhaps no program sparks more questions than the blended learning MBA track—a format that blends online MBA coursework with regular face-to-face sessions on campus, and can be completed in less than two years.
We’ve learned a lot since our first cohort of blended learning students started in 2003. Here are five of the most important takeaways.
You’ll apply what you learn right away
The curriculum is designed so working professionals can take courses while working full time. This means that students can immediately put classroom concepts into practice at work: whether it’s a new technique to spur creativity, leadership skills to manage a team, or financial framework to value a business opportunity, you can expect to apply what you learn right away.
You’ll gain confidence as a leader
Aspiring business and civic leaders can unleash their potential by understanding their strengths and weaknesses and finding ways to develop the competencies they need as leaders. Even though much of the program happens online, students still benefit from experiential learning, consulting projects, and other activities that let them practice as leaders so they can hit the ground running when leadership opportunities arise.
You’ll build lasting professional relationships and friendships
You might think learning online will be a lonely affair, but Babson students still develop strong bonds with their classmates. We do this by requiring students to participate in small learning groups and helping them form effective project teams. The intensity and shared experience bonds groups together, and the close-knit community comes to life during face-to-face classes on campus. After graduation, cohorts stay in touch and get together regularly.
You’ll advance in your career
One important reason why students enroll in a Babson MBA is to advance in their careers. After completing their MBAs, many students move into higher echelons of senior management, run larger work teams, or strike out on their own to launch startup ventures. Since working professionals retain their jobs while taking blended learning classes, they can accelerate their careers as they put to use the new insights they learn in school.
You’ll become more entrepreneurial
Babson College has led the way in entrepreneurial education for the last quarter century. Blended learning MBA students and graduates are adept at identifying and taking action on entrepreneurial opportunities. They know what to do and how to do it, and have the confidence needed to make an impact. Whether these initiatives are at their current workplace, in a new startup, or in their communities, Babson students are equipped with the mindset of an entrepreneurial leader.
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