Tag: Advice

All Kinds of Minds: A Conversation with Temple Grandin
Dr. Temple Grandin wears many hats: she is a professor, author, animal behaviorist, inventor, autism advocate, and the subject of a Golden Globe Award-winning film. One role she never has considered, however, is entrepreneur.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership

Big Business, Startup Mentality
The oft-told story of a small startup innovating to greatness stands in contrast to the narrative of a large company caught in the innovator’s dilemma: protecting its current business by ignoring opportunities that could disrupt the status quo. In corporate environments, intrapreneurs fight bureaucracy, outdated processes, groupthink, and sheer inertia.
Posted in Insights
Got a Great Idea? Prove It
Entrepreneurs by temperament are gushing wells of inspiration—new businesses, new solutions to old problems, and new approaches. In those first bursts of imagination, an opportunity appears suddenly obvious, even if the path to success will be long and full of false starts. And, then, another idea might manifest, seeming as brilliant as the first.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership

The New Rules of Mentoring
One mentor is not enough in today’s career environment. All professionals should create and maintain a developmental network—a set of people at different levels both within and outside of your workplace that assists you in your personal and professional development. E-mentoring is not only a viable tool to help you do this, but it also could be your most effective one.
Posted in Insights