New Name for Mathematics, Analytics, Science, and Technology Division


The Mathematics and Science Division at Babson College has been renamed to the Mathematics, Analytics, Science, and Technology (MAST) Division, beginning with the 2022–2023 academic year.

“This more inclusive name better represents the spectrum of teaching and research of MAST faculty, which ranges from pure mathematics and field ecology to applied analytics and biotechnology,” said Ken Matsuno, the Murata Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College.

The name change also reflects the division’s focus and leadership in two strategic objectives of the College: business analytics and sustainability. Analytics ranks among Babson’s most popular concentrations, and sustainability is central to the College’s new undergraduate curriculum.

“As entrepreneurial leaders, we identify problems everywhere,” said Professor Nathaniel Karst, the new chair of the MAST division. “Many of those problems require science-based solutions, particularly climate change and the need to improve sustainability in companies and organizations.”

The MAST division also is welcoming five new faculty members this academic year. The new hires are part of the largest single-year hiring of faculty members in Babson’s history with the addition of 16 full-time faculty members plus three visiting professors. The new additions to the MAST division include:

  • Zefeng Bai, visiting assistant professor
  • Sarah Quinn Foster, assistant professor
  • ​​Vivian Leung, assistant teaching professor
  • Nazanin Naderi, visiting assistant professor
  • Hongsheng Wu, associate teaching professor

Posted in Babson Briefs

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