Babson Pride: Alumni Celebrate College’s Historic No. 2 Ranking

Babson alumni from across the globe are cheering their alma mater and boasting Beaver pride after The Wall Street Journal announced Babson’s stunning ascension to the No. 2 best college in the United States.
“Brick by brick, professor by professor, student by student—an amazing legacy, accession, and future,” wrote Michael Criscuolo MBA’99, one of many well-wishers who weighed in on Babson’s LinkedIn post, which has earned more than 4,000 likes. “Congrats to all.”
Cameron Bell MBA’14, who works in cybersecurity out of the United Kingdom, posted a simple but enthusiastic, “Go Beavers!” Vaidya Bharadwaj MBA’11, a senior director of marketing at Tokyo Electron Limited, wrote, “Congratulations, proud to be a Babsonite, absolutely the best school for entrepreneurial education.”
The social media celebration comes after Babson was named the second-best college in America by the WSJ/College Pulse 2025 list of Best Colleges in the U.S. The WSJ also ranked Babson No. 2 for Career Preparation, No. 8 for Best Salaries, and No. 11 for Student Experience.
“Babson continues to punch above its weight!” wrote Brett Rosequist MBA’12. “Good to see all the hard work and innovative ideas of the faculty, students, and alumni get recognition.”
The Value of a Babson Education

Meanwhile, the campus community held their own celebration around the Babson Globe last week, serving up popcorn and ice cream while handing out T-shirts touting Babson’s No. 2 status in the WSJ rankings.
Babson President Stephen Spinelli Jr. MBA’92, PhD emphasized the role of students, faculty, and staff in Babson’s historic ascent.
“We’re number two because of you,” Spinelli told the crowd.
The accolades weren’t limited to social media. Peter Kaufman ’93 sang Babson’s praises on several comments he made on The Wall Street Journal article that announced the rankings, even responding to those who indicated they didn’t know much about the College.
“Am a Babson alum. Had more opportunities than I could take advantage of at Babson, and I took advantage of plenty,” Kaufman wrote to one such commenter. “Great faculty and super supportive alumni network. Helped me countless times.”
Of course, the Babo pride didn’t stop with alumni.
“Well deserved recognition, Babson! Our sophomore son (Gavin Mestler ’27) is absolutely thriving there,” wrote Jessica Mestler P’27. “Fingers crossed that our younger son will be joining his brother at Babson next year!”
Much like the WSJ article, many praised the value of a Babson education, saying it boosted not just their education but also their career.
“I have always felt that I received a truly outstanding education at Babson. As a professor of management and attorney, I have always believed that my Babson education set me up for success. It’s gratifying to see that Babson is now receiving the recognition that it has always deserved.”
Diane Caggiano ’74, MBA’75
“Congratulations to the entire Babson community on this extraordinary achievement,” wrote Diane Caggiano ’74, MBA’75, who teaches management at Fitchburg State College. “As one of the first 100 women admitted to Babson, I have always felt that I received a truly outstanding education at Babson. As a professor of management and attorney, I have always believed that my Babson education set me up for success. It’s gratifying to see that Babson is now receiving the recognition that it has always deserved.”
Tom Broderick MBA’03, former chief strategy officer for Commvault in Georgia, added, “I tell everyone I can that my Babson education was absolutely key to my career. To this day, I’m applying concepts learned at Babson to real business scenarios all the time. GO BABSON!!”