Tag: Global

Fulbright and the Pursuit of Global Citizenship
Julia Dean ’19 has been awarded a Fulbright Study/Research Grant to improve access to entrepreneurship education in South Korea. She is the latest in a line of Babson students who have decided to take advantage of their opportunities to better the lives of others around the world.
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At Babson, the World Becomes Your Home
Babson offers international students one of the best college experiences in the United States, according to Forbes. What this means for Babson is that it’s creating global citizens out of all of its students, not just those from overseas, and continuing to expand its powerful, global network of 41,000 alumni across 119 countries.
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Women Weigh Risks and Rewards When Faced with Entrepreneurial Opportunity
The 2017 Babson-sponsored U.S. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report finds that 59 percent of women entrepreneurs perceive opportunity, the highest rate ever recorded, but their entrepreneurial intentions are not trending upward—yet.
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To Expand Entrepreneurship, an Educate-the-Educators Approach
Bright and early on a Monday morning, Professor Heidi Neck asks a room full of educators if they are ready to engage. Engagement will mean many things throughout the week, but at this very moment, it starts with paper boats.
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