A President Looks Back
During her nearly six-year tenure as Babson’s first woman president, Kerry Healey takes stock of her accomplishments, considers the College’s future, and reveals what she’ll miss most about her time at Babson.

Family Business, Amplified
Going into the family business doesn’t mean being handed a title. A new program for undergrads prepares them for a future role in the family enterprise, and that journey starts by asking questions—with surprising results.

Disrupting the Rules
The information sociology professor Mary Godwyn mines in her research on the environment, diversity, and business ethics surprises her students—in a good way.

Small Talk with Ben Chevrette
Babson’s director of regional and international advancement travels extensively to raise support for the College and finds a welcoming community wherever he goes.

Remembering Roger Babson
Roger Babson is remembered by those who knew him as a dedicated businessman, but also as an empathetic grandfather and devoted family man.

More News from Babson
See more stories about what’s happening on our campuses and in our classrooms and community.

Shakespeare for the Digital Age
Hamlet 360: Thy Father’s Spirit is a reinvented virtual reality film version of the classic play directed by Steven Maler of the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company.

Small Gifts, Big Results
Several small alumni donations made it possible for Alex Damiecki ’19 to attend Babson, study business, and explore career paths.

In Memoriam: Cis McClatchy Glavin
The wife of former Babson president William Glavin H’99 helped design the Glavin Family Chapel, worked with several charities, and served on a variety of boards.

Building Connections Brick by Brick
Purchase an engraved brick to be placed in Kerry Murphy Healey Park and stay connected to the College in a unique way.

A Look Back at Progress
In February, five of Babson’s presidents emeriti returned to campus for our Presidents’ Fireside Chat, the first of many Centennial celebrations. It was an incredible evening.
News, Notes + Nods
Wondering what your classmates have been up to? Come catch up!

On Campus
David James MBA’18 is on a mission to transform already good teachers into extraordinary ones using one-on-one coaching.

Celebrating Diversity
The Black Affinity Network honored Cathy Hughes and brought alumni, students, and the community to campus for its conference.

Babson Athletics
See what Babson’s teams, coaches, and student-athletes are competing in, trying out for, and celebrating.

Babson Launches New Lifetime Giving Society: Circle of Distinction
Babson creates the Circle of Distinction to acknowledge philanthropists who have given $1 million or more to the College during their lives.