Ben Chevrette is Babson’s director of regional and international advancement.
Photo: Webb Chappell
Ben Chevrette is the very definition of a frequent flyer. As Babson’s director of regional and international advancement, he wings around the world, meeting with members of the College community to raise support for the institution. “I travel extensively, from South Africa, to many spots in Asia, to Europe, to Latin America,” he says. “There is no place we don’t have alumni and supporters of the College.” While all the traveling is exciting, Chevrette confesses to being a homebody. When not on the road, he likes spending time at home or on campus, where he often eats in Trim Dining Hall. “I see the students,” he says, “and I’m reminded what this is all for.”
Where have you been lately?
I just returned from India. You can’t find two places that are more different than Mumbai and Wellesley. I am reminded that our students from India have to adapt to a new culture, a new style of learning, and they excel. That’s a testament to the students we attract. And it’s a testament to my colleagues at Babson. They have created a welcoming environment, where students from any part of the world can excel.
What kind of reception do you receive during your visits?
There is red-carpet treatment for any Babson representative who travels internationally. People invite me to their homes, to their clubs, and introduce me to their families. I’ve never experienced a warmer reception. I’ve met with heads of state and CEOs of multinational corporations. The energy people have for this College is amazing.
How is that energy translating into support?
Babson’s average fundraising amount internationally used to be about $1.5 million a year. Last year, we raised $13 million.
What do you like about your job?
I have found a career in which I meet people and help them realize the type of impact they want to have. That’s rewarding. I think of Babson as a platform. People invest here to make change. There is no cause you can’t impact with Babson as your vehicle. Global health issues. Climate change. Really, anything. If you care about hunger, you can give to a food bank, and that will give food to people. That’s noble. But you can give to a school like Babson that trains entrepreneurs, who may address the causes of global hunger and find solutions. – John Crawford