Entrepreneurial Leadership
The world needs entrepreneurial leaders to solve complex challenges that have persisted for decades or longer, as well as future ones we can’t even envision yet. Entrepreneurial leadership is both a skill set and a mindset, and entrepreneurial leaders impact businesses, organizations, and society because they put people first and manage in a relational way. Here, we illustrate the impact of entrepreneurial leadership through inspiring and uplifting stories from the Babson community and beyond.
Slow Money Investing Takes Root
An emerging cadre of enterprising investors and entrepreneurs is committed to turning this situation around, and making money in the process. Food entrepreneurs are revitalizing dozens of old businesses, and starting hundreds of new ones, based on sustainable farming and food production methods.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership
Debating the Exit Strategy
For the venture-minded entrepreneur, an end might be a successful business … but then what? What are the different paths to “done” for an entrepreneur starting out? Is it going public, getting acquired, starting a spin-off, or expanding to multiple locations?
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership
All Kinds of Minds: A Conversation with Temple Grandin
Dr. Temple Grandin wears many hats: she is a professor, author, animal behaviorist, inventor, autism advocate, and the subject of a Golden Globe Award-winning film. One role she never has considered, however, is entrepreneur.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership
Crowdfunding Social Entrepreneurs, Part II
Social investment platforms are as diverse as the challenges they seek to address. They share a common goal of having a positive effect and supporting social causes, but approach community engagement and fundraising differently.
Posted in Entrepreneurial Leadership