Getting to Know You
People often think they know Kerry Healey, Babson’s newly named president, especially if they’re from Massachusetts. With more than 15 years in the limelight as a politician on both local and national levels, Healey has had her share of …

Lessons from the Romper Room
Sebastian Fixson is an optimist. He needs to be. The classroom isn’t a place for despair and resignation. “As a teacher, you have to be an optimist,” says the associate professor of technology and operations management. “If you don’t believe …

To The Extreme
At first, you think they’re crazy. Sure, people like to work out, to push themselves, but what these alumni do is beyond the usual. It’s beyond rational. Why, you want to ask them. Why take your sports to such extremes? But then as you watch …

Small Talk With Carolyn Hotchkiss
Carolyn Hotchkiss has two big passions. One is tai chi. Every Tuesday at noon, the law professor teaches faculty and staff the graceful exercise at Glavin Chapel. Hotchkiss also sings and plays guitar with her group, The Firehouse Band. “We …

Illuminating Art
You may be familiar with the Glavin Family Chapel on campus and its two walls of beautiful stained glass. But you may not know the walls were fabricated by Babson alumna Maria Serpentino ’78, P’05, and her husband, Roberto Rosa, of their …

Remembering the 2013 Boston Marathon
The third Monday in April may be Patriot’s Day in Massachusetts, but to many runners and fans the world over, it’s the day of the oldest annual marathon. Recent graduate Elizabeth Shea ’13 sums it up. “For me, it’s Marathon Monday,” she says. …

Water, Weed, Plant, Pick
The warm, summer sun shines as Danielle Krcmar stands in a part of campus many never come upon. She is behind Hollister Hall, near the back of Reynolds. The space is mostly parking lot, but tucked in next to Hollister sit the raised beds of the …

An Unlikely Star
After a summer internship behind a desk, Mitchell Henry ’13 had been anxious to return to Babson and get back on the tennis courts as team captain. Then during the first week of practice in his final year as an undergrad, he received a …

A Warm Welcome
Since my first days on campus, I have been struck by the diverse, collaborative, and creative culture at Babson and the unique connection among Babson’s faculty, staff, students, and alumni. The ties that bind the Babson community are a shared …
News, Notes + Nods
Wondering what your classmates have been up to? Come catch up!

Senior Bucket List
With their last year looming, what do these seniors still want to do?

Gearing Up For New Ventures
Babson Global, the wholly owned subsidiary of the College, is coming out of startup mode. It was founded 3 1/2 years ago to disseminate around the world the College’s message of Entrepreneurial Thought and Action and to provide additional …

Readers Recall Babson Landmarks
I enjoyed your article on lost monuments [spring issue, “A Tour Through History”]. The one that most intrigues me was the burned-at-the-stake monument [by Coleman Hall]. I was born and raised in Gloucester, Mass., Roger Babson’s hometown, and …