Digital Bookshelf

Check out the latest good reads published by Babson faculty and staff:

Handbook of Research Methods in Careers

Handbook of Research Methods in Careers

Wendy Murphy and Jennifer Tosti-Kharas (editors)

Professor of Management Wendy Murphy, associate dean of the undergraduate school, and Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior Jennifer Tosti-Kharas edited this comprehensive guide to the methodologies that researchers use in career scholarship. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021

Family Entrepreneurship: Insights from Leading Experts on Successful Multi-Generational Entrepreneurial Families

Family Entrepreneurship: Insights from Leading Experts on Successful Multi-Generational Entrepreneurial Families

Matt R. Allen and William B. Gartner (editors)

This comprehensive exploration—edited by Matt R. Allen, associate professor and founder of the Family Entrepreneurship Amplifier Program, and William B. Gartner, Bertarelli Foundation Distinguished Professor of Family Entrepreneurship—examines why entrepreneurial families are successful over generations. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021

Innovation in Global Entrepreneurship Education: Teaching Entrepreneurship in Practice

Innovation in Global Entrepreneurship Education: Teaching Entrepreneurship in Practice

Heidi M. Neck and Yipeng Liu (editors)

Illustrating how global collaboration can foster entrepreneurship education, international contributors—led by Professor of Entrepreneurship Heidi Neck—share their experiences as educators, scholars and thought-leaders involved in the Babson Collaborative. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021

Goliath Strikes Back: How Traditional Retailers Are Winning Back Customers from Ecommerce Startups

Goliath Strikes Back: How Traditional Retailers Are Winning Back Customers from Ecommerce Startups

Peter S. Cohan

Peter S. Cohan, a lecturer of strategy and entrepreneurship in the Management Division, examines the current industry shift in the decades-long battle between ecommerce and large traditional retailers. Apress, 2020

A Hygienic City-Nation: Space, Community, and Everyday Life in Colonial Calcutta

A Hygienic City-Nation: Space, Community, and Everyday Life in Colonial Calcutta

Nabaparna Ghosh

Assistant Professor of Global Studies Nabaparna Ghosh explores how kinship ties have configured urban space in South Asia, crafting areas of self-government within colonial town plans. Cambridge University Press, 2020

How to Manage Student Consulting Projects: A Practical Guide for Project Advisors

How to Manage Student Consulting Projects: A Practical Guide for Project Advisors

Joseph R. Weintraub, George A. Lee, Arline A. MacCormack

Professor Joseph R. Weintraub, founder and faculty director of the Babson Coaching for Leadership and Teamwork Program; George A. Lee, executive in residence; and Arline A. MacCormack, associate director of experiential programs, describe the key principles and tools needed by project advisors to manage student consulting projects in an academic setting. Edward Elgar Pub, 2020

Organizational Behavior: Developing Skills for Managers

Organizational Behavior: Developing Skills for Managers

Eric Lamm and Jennifer Tosti-Kharas

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior Jennifer Tosti-Kharas and co-author Eric Lamm, using an underlying theme of change management, examine how students can succeed in today’s constantly changing business world. Pearson Education, Inc., 2020

The Contested State: US Foreign Policy, Transnational Alliances and Regime Change in the Philippines, 1898-2016

The Contested State: US Foreign Policy, Transnational Alliances and Regime Change in the Philippines, 1898-2016

Amy Blitz

Amy Blitz, a lecturer of economics, offers an inquiry into the international causes and consequences of civil war, based on her first-hand account of the fall of Marcos. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020

Rogue Money and the Underground Authority: An Encyclopedia of Alternative and Cryptocurrencies

Rogue Money and the Underground Authority: An Encyclopedia of Alternative and Cryptocurrencies

John Edmunds

This guide from Professor of Finance John Edmunds examines the history, development, and current operations of cybercurrencies and the underground economy around the world. Greenwood, 2020

The Ideate Method: Identifying High-Potential Entrepreneurial Ideas

The Ideate Method: Identifying High-Potential Entrepreneurial Ideas

Dan Cohen, Greg Pool and Heidi Neck

Professor of Entrepreneurship Heidi Neck and her co-authors illustrate an empirically proven method to identify problems, develop solutions, and pursue the most entrepreneurial ideas. SAGE Publications, Inc., 2020

Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Blueprint for Customer Engagement

Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Blueprint for Customer Engagement

Beth Goldstein

Beth Goldstein, adjunct lecturer in entrepreneurship at Babson, offers a cutting-edge perspective on creating a customer-centric, multi-channel marketing program to effectively build a sustainable brand. SAGE Publications Inc., 2020

Night: A Philosophy of the After-Dark

Night: A Philosophy of the After-Dark

Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh

Associate Professor of Comparative Literature Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh explores the human experience of the after-dark through ancient rituals, medieval storytelling, modern philosophy, and futuristic images. Zero Books, 2020